Meet My Favorite Female Characters From Winter 2023 Anime Season!

Some of the best waifus from the first quarter of the year!

Anisphia, from The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, offering her hand
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, Season 1, Episode 1 || The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady IMDb

In every anime season, some female characters stand out — the so-called “seasonal waifus.”

Some indeed captivate a higher number of otakus, but each has something unique about them! And every waifu must be treasured, even if the anime they belong to stops airing!

Here are a few anime girls that caught my attention during the first months of this year!

Mahiru Shiina - The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten

Mahiru, from The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, laughing gently
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, Season 1, Episode 1|| Credits: The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten IMDb

Mahiru is such an adorable waifu! She seems to have come from heaven (although she doesn't like being called an angel). With a flawless appearance, she’s intelligent, kind, popular at school, and loves cooking.

She is the angel so many otakus have been praying for!

Once she feels comfortable dropping the “nice girl” mask, Mahiru is strict, practical, and sometimes painfully straightforward.

Anisphia Wynn Palettia - The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady

Anisphia, from The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, making a V-sign
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady, Season 1, Episode 2 || The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady IMDb

Anisphia is the genki girl of Winter 2023 and such a sweetheart!

Generous, talkative, and a little clumsy, Anis is a princess that drives everybody crazy with her untamed spirit. But it’s also this shiny personality that makes her so lovely and remarkable.

This isekai’d waifu might be unable to cast spells, but she is inventive and strong-willed enough to use magic in her way.

With the modern ideas from Earth, she brought many changes to the Kingdom of Palettia. Do you think she will become the genki girl of the year too?

Fuyutsuki - The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague

Fuyutsuki, from The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague, admiring a tiny snowman
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague, Season 1, Episode 1 || The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague IMDb

Fuyutsuki might not have Yuki-Onna blood in her veins, but she is such an incredible woman!

She is a charming young lady and is used to getting mean comments from people who see her lack of expression as emotionless. She had difficulty making friends because of her natural composure and speaking only when needed.

What others failed to notice (but I didn’t!) is that she is observant, kind, and dedicated. She is a woman who values her friends and does whatever is possible to see them happy!

Misuzu Gundou - Tomo-chan is a Girl!

Misuzu, from Tomo-chan is a Girl, looking up with a blank expression
Tomo-chan is a Girl!, Season 1, Episode 2 || Tomo-chan is a Girl! IMDb

Misuzu differs from the other waifus on this list and many others we’ve come to love!

Forget about loveliness; Misuzu’s appeal resides in her cold demeanor!

She is intelligent, perceptive, and chill. But she has a prideful, manipulative attitude and is admittedly selfish. A break from the perfect girl image we know with so many popular waifus.

She is hard to approach both physically and emotionally. However, she becomes a loyal, helpful friend once you gain her trust. She may have a noble hidden side.

Your Winter Waifu Ranking!

At the beginning of the year, I was introduced to so many charming anime girls that I struggled to choose only four waifus for this list! I wonder if one of them will become the waifu of the year!

Who are your favorite female characters so far? Remember to vote for them to make it to the following anime boxes!

Images from IMDb

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