My Definitive Top 10 Ranking of Monogatari Series Girls From Best to Even More Best! Bakemonogatari to Monster Season

Previews of all the female characters in the Monogatari series.



  • Monogatari's Marvelous Maidens
  • Top 10 List of The Best Monogatari Waifus
  • This Show is a Harem of Oddities!

Monogatari's Marvelous Maidens

Konnichiwa, fellow otaku! Liz here with another super kawaii blog post about one of my all-time favorite anime series! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of Monogatari to rank the top 10 best girls.

From Bakemonogatari all the way to Monster Season, this franchise has given us some of the most unique and memorable characters in anime. Each girl is quirky, complex, and totally kawaii in her own way. Picking a top 10 was super tough, but here we go. Let's get started!

10. Sodachi Oikura: The Mathematical Maiden

Sodachi is spinning around with her hair covering half of her face.
Credits: Studio Shaft

Starting off our list is the tragically complex Sodachi. This math whiz may have had a rough start, but her character growth is exponential! Her sharp tongue and sharper mind make her a formidable presence. Plus, who doesn't love a girl who can solve differential equations?

9. Yotsugi Ononoki: Yay, Peace Peace!

Yotsugi with a poker facial expression.
Credits: Studio Shaft

This little tsukumogami packs a big punch! Yotsugi's deadpan delivery and catchphrase are instantly iconic. She may be an oddity, but her loyalty and surprising depth make her oddly endearing. Unlimited rulebook, indeed!

8. Tsubasa Hanekawa: The Class President Cat

Tsubasa Hanekawa smiling slightly.
Credits: Studio Shaft

Nya! Hanekawa is the perfect combo of brains and beauty. Her struggles with her inner oddity (and inner feelings) make for some of the series' most compelling arcs. Plus, who can resist those cat ears? What she knows, she knows!

7. Suruga Kanbaru: Sporty and Spicy

Kanbaru, with a frustrated expression. She is wearing a basketball jersey.
Credits: Studio Shaft

This basketball ace turned bookworm is a force to be reckoned with. Kanbaru's blunt personality and not-so-subtle crush on Senjougahara make for hilarious interactions. Her character growth throughout the series is chef's kiss.

6. Nadeko Sengoku: Snake Charmer

Nadeko with a big smile.

Credits: Studio Shaft

Don't let her shy exterior fool you - Nadeko's got some serious bite! Her transformation from a meek middle schooler to a vengeful snake goddess is one wild ride. Plus, her openings are absolute bangers!

5. Mayoi Hachikuji: Lost but Lovely

Mayoi smiling while carrying a big backpack.

Credits: Studio Shaft

Sorry, I bit my tongue! This pint-sized ghost with a big personality steals every scene she's in. Hachikuji's wordplay and banter with Araragi are comedy gold. She may be lost, but she'll always find a place in our hearts!

4. Karen Araragi: The Fire Sister

Karen winking and making a hand gesture.

Credits: Studio Shaft

The elder of the Fire Sisters brings the heat! Karen's energy and enthusiasm are infectious. Her martial arts skills and unwavering sense of justice make her a true hero. Plus, that toothbrush scene... need I say more?

3. Shinobu Oshino: Donut-Loving Vampire

Shinobu with a curious facial expression.
Credits: Studio Shaft

Ka ka! This centuries-old vampire in the body of a little girl is full of surprises. Shinobu's sass and wisdom make for an intriguing combo. Her bond with Araragi is the heart of the series. Pass the donuts, please!

2. Hitagi Senjougahara: The Tsundere Queen

Hitagi looking surprised.
Credits: Studio Shaft

Sharp-tongued and sharp-witted, Senjougahara is the ultimate tsundere. Her verbal sparring matches are legendary, but it's her softer moments that really shine. Her relationship with Araragi is goals, stapler, and all!

1. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade: The Iron-Blooded, Hot-Blooded, Cold-Blooded Vampire

Kiss Shot standing and looking at something.
Credits: Studio Shaft

Taking the top spot is the legendary vampire herself! She steals every scene as the powerful Kiss-Shot or the sassy Shinobu. Her complex history and relationship with Araragi form the backbone of the entire series. Plus, that name is just too cool!

This Show is a Harem of Oddities!

Phew, ranking these amazing characters was tougher than one of Ougi's riddles! The Monogatari series blessed us with so many fantastic female characters, each with their own quirks and charms.

Which Monogatari girl is your favorite? Did your best girl make the list? Let me know in the anime community! And don't worry, we all got our favorites (I'm looking at you, busty vampire lady), so you can't go wrong with whoever your best pick is.

Sayonara, for now, fellow oddity enthusiasts! This is Liz signing off. Stay weird and wonderful!

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