Weekly Feature: What If Esdeath Was Your Girlfriend?

Esdeath sitting on her throne
Esdeath sitting on her throne


  • Day 1: First Date – Icy Glances and Intense Charm
  • Day 2: Passionate Training Together
  • Day 3: Her Fierce Protectiveness Shows
  • Day 4: Unexpected Romantic Surprises
  • Day 5: A Battle Challenge Date
  • Day 6: A Glimpse of Her Vulnerable Side
  • Day 7: Unforgettable Farewell – The End of an Epic Week
  • Why Esdeath Would Be an Intense and Unforgettable Girlfriend


Alright, minna-san! Imagine a week when Esdeath, the fierce and beautiful waifu from Akame ga Kill! is your girlfriend. This would be a rollercoaster full of passion, power, and a bit of chill (thanks to her icy nature). Esdeath is no ordinary waifu; she brings her unique blend of romance and danger to every moment. Ready to see what a week with her would look like? Let's dive into this adventure!

Day 1: First Date with Icy Glances and Intense Charm

Esdeath at the beach in her swimsuit
Esdeath at the beach in her swimsuit

Our week starts with Esdeath's piercing gaze locking onto you from across the room. She's the type to skip small talk, going straight to questions that reveal her curiosity about your strength and resolve. Dinner with Esdeath is a unique experience, as she's direct and intense, and you can feel her sizing you up. But it's not intimidating; it's exciting! She's testing if you're worth her time, and her rare, slight smile feels like a reward for passing her silent test. What a way to kick off the week!

Day 2: Passionate Training Together

Esdeath's idea of bonding? A day of intense training! She invites you to spar, but don't expect her to go easy. She's fierce, showing her skills and challenging you to keep up. Esdeath shows affection through strength, and she admires anyone willing to push their limits. Her encouragement, mixed with her tough love, keeps you motivated. Training with her is both nerve-wracking and exhilarating, and you can tell she respects you a little more by the end of the day.

Day 3: Her Fierce Protectiveness Shows

On day three, you experience Esdeath's fiercely protective side. During a casual outing, someone makes the mistake of crossing her path, and she immediately steps in to handle the situation. Watching her defend you easily is impressive and pretty thrilling. Esdeath's loyalty is unwavering; she treats you like someone precious, making it clear that she will go to any lengths to protect you. It's reassuring and gives a glimpse into the depth of her devotion.

Day 4: Unexpected Romantic Surprises

Esdeath in a lingerie on a bed
Esdeath in a lingerie on a bed

Who knew Esdeath had a soft side? On day four, she surprises you with a sweet gesture, maybe a rare flower she found or a note tucked into your hand. It's unexpected, and this softer side catches you off guard. Esdeath may be known for her power, but she knows how to show affection uniquely. Moments like these show the complexity of her character and prove that beneath her strong exterior, she's capable of genuine care and thoughtfulness.

Day 5: A Battle Challenge Date

Esdeath doesn't do typical dates. On day five, she proposes a battle challenge and takes you to a hidden training ground. As she prepares for a sparring match, the thrill in her eyes is contagious, and you're ready for whatever she throws your way. She wants to see your fighting spirit and respects nothing more than someone who can stand their ground. After an intense match, she gives you a rare compliment, and you feel like you've earned a new level of her respect. It's an unforgettable date with a waifu who knows how to keep things exciting! Bet it's something you wanna brag in our community~

Day 6: A Glimpse of Her Vulnerable Side

Esdeath smiling down at you
Credits: Studio WHITE FOX

On day six, Esdeath opens up a little. She shares a story from her past, showing you a side of her that most people never see. Her honesty and willingness to let you into her world deepen your connection, and you realize she's not just a powerful warrior. She has her vulnerabilities and struggles. This softer, more reflective moment gives you a new appreciation for her complexity and reminds you that even the strongest waifus have a hidden side.

Day 7: An Unforgettable Farewell

Esdeath smiling back at you
Credits: Studio WHITE FOX

The final day of the week arrives, and saying goodbye to Esdeath is harder than expected. She's not one for sentimentality, but her words carry a weight that lingers. She promises she won't forget you, and the memory of her intense gaze, fierce protectiveness, and those rare moments of softness stay with you. A week with Esdeath isn't something you just move on from. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience that leaves an impression you'll never forget.

Esdeath is the ultimate mix of strength, loyalty, and passion, making her an unforgettable girlfriend. Her intensity and her unique way of showing affection would make any relationship with her a thrilling adventure.

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I want her!